Delightful Travels in Stonehenge

Posted On December 16, 2013 

Stonehenge is a very old historical destination, which is located at Wiltshire, around 8 miles from Salisbury. This is in fact one of the famous places in the world and is actually the remains of a lovely set of standing stones which is set inside the earthworks. It is right in the middle of the densest complex of Bronze and Neolithic Age monuments in this part of England. It is inclusive of burial mounds.

This megalithic structure is more than 3000 years old and has stones, which have come all the way from Wales. It is still not known how the builders actually got the stones from Wales. Visitors today walk around this attraction, which is worth visiting for the simple mysteries in this beautiful travel delight. Earlier known as the Sun Stone or the Friars Heel, this is a lovely way of enjoying travels.


A folk tale says that the Devil bought the stones from an Irish woman who wrapped them up and brought them to Salisbury plain. One stone fell into the Avon, and the remaining were taken to the plain. The Devil said that no one would ever find where the stones were. The Devil got angry, decided, and struck him on the heel. The stone it is believed got stuck in the ground and still is remaining there.

It is also believed that the Friars Heel is another version of the Feyjas He-ol coming from the Germanic Freyja and also means track in Welsh. The Heel Stone is found lying beside the end portion of the Stonehenge Avenue. Stonehenge is believed to have been built in three phases and has a time span of around 1500 years.

Stonehenge See View

Many people come from across the world to visit this beautiful combination of sarsen stones and blue stones along with vibrant hues.

Some of the best attractions in Stonehenge are irresistible and charming.

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